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A Night of Opera and Impact: Celebrating Opera Parallèle's Vision and Future

May 9, 2024

A Night of Opera and Impact: Celebrating Opera Parallèle's Vision and Future


Red Curtain Addict Founders, Kari Lincks Coomans and Parker Coomans, with renowned composer Jake Heggie
Photo Credit: Drew Altizer


Various Highlights from the event featuring Marnie Brekenridge, Kari Lincks Coomans, Parker Coomans, Nicole Paiement, Gordon Getty, and Brian Staufenbiel
Photo Credit: Drew Altizer

As we reflect on memorable moments this spring, one standout event we recently attended was Opera Parallèle's Impact Campaign event hosted by Mr. Gordon Getty at his home in San Francisco. With Opera Parallèle approaching its monumental 15th Anniversary in 2025, this exclusive gathering gave us a sneak peek into the exciting future plans of this exceptional contemporary opera company.


Soprano Marnie Breckenridge and Compoaser Jake Heggie
Photo Credit: Drew Altizer

The evening was graced by a special performance featuring acclaimed Soprano Marnie Breckenridge, accompanied by Opera Parallèle's Resident Pianist Keisuke Nakagoshi and renowned composer Jake Heggie. It was a captivating showcase that highlighted the company's commitment to merging tradition with innovation, redefining opera for the modern world.

For those unfamiliar with Opera Parallèle, their groundbreaking premieres have resonated globally, with performances even gracing the prestigious stage of the Met. Now, with their Impact Campaign in full swing, Opera Parallèle aims to expand their reach, develop essential infrastructure, and secure a robust foundation for future endeavors.


We invite you to support Opera Parallèle's impactful mission and mark your calendars for their upcoming West Coast premiere of Fellow Travelers. This opera adaptation of Thomas Mallon’s novel is a compelling blend of tender love story and political thriller set against the backdrop of the McCarthy era. Psssttt…! If you haven’t watched Paramount’s take on this inspirational story, watch it before seeing the opera in person. It’s so good!

Composer Gregory Spears and librettist (AKA: a lyricist for operas or long vocal work) Greg Pierce have crafted a contemporary classic that explores themes of love and resilience in the face of persecution. Opera Parallèle, in collaboration with the Presidio Theatre, is proud to present this beautiful opera that underscores the enduring message that love will always flourish, even under the most challenging circumstances.

Click HERE to find out more about their “Fellow Travelers” production (along with their Premium Fellow Traveler’s Experience) and join us in celebrating Opera Parallèle's innovative spirit and dedication to pushing boundaries in the world of contemporary opera via their Impact Campaign. Together, let's support this inspiring journey of artistic exploration and community engagement! 🌟

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© Red Curtain Addict 2024